Rainbow City
public library
3702 Rainbow DriveRainbow City, AL 35906
Working hours
Mon - Thur 9am - 7pmFri - Sat 9am - 5pm
Sunday - Closed
Quick access
Borrow eBooks
Online Resources
Library Catalog
or log in to your account to renew or reserve items.
Computer Use
Computers are available for public use in the Library. Computer software is available for in-house use only and includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, and other applications. Access to computers will be granted to anyone who has an up-to-date Rainbow City Public Library card in good standing.
Individuals who wish to use the Library’s computers and do not possess a Rainbow City Public Library card may be issued a visitor’s pass for computer access after presenting photo ID.
The Rainbow City Public Library provides free wireless Internet access for users with devices capable of receiving wireless signals. Printers are not available via the wireless connection.
Research Your Family Tree
Search for your ancestors on Ancestry Library Edition and discover your unique family history! This resource includes billions of records from around the world, including U.S., U.K., and Canadian census and vital records, immigration and passport records, periodicals and books, photos, and more. New resources are added frequently. Library use only; remote access is not available.
You may also access Heritage Quest Online from home! You’ll find U.S. federal census records, family histories, published genealogies, historical books, Revolutionary War records, Freedman’s Bank records, and more to help you trace your American ancestors’ paths across history. If you are using Heritage Quest from home you will be prompted for your 14 digit Rainbow City Library Card number.
Tina Brooks
Library Director